Saturday, September 25, 2010

Decisions are always hard

I miss you. A lot. How did this happen? I knew going in what it would mean and thought I could handle it. Its getting harder with each passing week.

I know its a big decision to make. Twenty years is a long time to be with someone. There is history, memories that you share. It's a big step. Major life decisions are never easy, especially when hurting someone is inevitable.

You call me more and more when you are away from me. Too many people know now for it to stay quiet much longer. You say you don't care if we get caught, yet I wonder. If you want her to know then maybe you should tell her. It's hard to do, trust me. A very wise woman told me it's better to come from you. Believe me it is.

I don't want you to do this for me. I want you to do this because you say you can't stand to be home or with her. Even if you aren't with me, I want you to be happy and not just satisfied.

You've never given me any reason in the past year to not believe you. You haven't given me promises of anything more than what we have. You know you ask me for things, that by all rights you shouldn't be asking. Things that I probably wouldn't even be tempted to do if you were with me. Right now you can't give me that. Again I understand.

I have you more hours of the day then she does and yet I want more. I don't even know if you can handle all of me, but I think you may come closer than any before.

I am trying my best to just live with the situation and be happy with what I have. I am not a patient woman by any means. I love you. I do.


  1. do I respond here? Yes, it's a BIG decision, and a huge step into the unknown. You and I have both done it, with far less to gain, and everything to lose. I would like to say copy this and give it to the person in question, but I know you won't so I'm not. I think it's coming though, truly.

  2. I would like to but want to give time and space for said decision to be made. Would you make the same decision again if you had to?
