Wednesday, April 14, 2010

how do you explain?

How do you explain to someone, who has no idea, how to be a responsible adult? No one explained it to me, yet I turned into one without sacrificing any of my children to the learning curve. I am angry at parents who shelter their children then wonder why they have no life skills. You are not born with these skills, childhood is to learn these skills along with coping skills when life doesn't go your way
I am now left with the responsibility of not only raising my own children,who have pretty successfully mastered these skills, but to teach another woman's son the lessons she neglectfully didn't teach him. I don't believe this woman neglected these lessons to punish her child, but to protect him from being hurt. Now he is being hurt because I have run out of patience. This woman was also raised in an era where men go to work and women do everything else, not that this is an excuse for lack of parenting,but some sort of reasoning. I am going to assume because I have a vagina is the only reason I have any kind of life skills, as my mother was raised in the same era.

I am a total believer that how we were parented, our birth order and, to some extent, or sun sign goes into making us who we are as adults. I am also a strong believer that growth is a necessary part of life and if you don't like the person you grew into it can be changed.

Challenges are a part of life and if you don't know how to find solutions to these challenges you never grow. Why would anyone do this to there child? It hurts me deeply when my children are in pain, but time heals and we learn. When they are met with these painful situations at a later point in time, they are a little tougher and a little smarter. It may still hurt, but not as much. This process continues throughout life and *poof* I am now the parent of two responsible (for the most part) adults.

Thank you for your patience in my ranting, I now feel better.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said, and I agree with you. I feel that I should point out, that yes, as adults we can change who we are, but no one can change someone else. Ever. Also, we can only change ourselves FOR ourselves, not for anyone else. I will stop my preaching now. That is all.
