Tuesday, April 20, 2010

what a wacky weird day

Right now I should be doing school work. With the day I have had, who can concentrate on psych 101?

My eldest child has decided she needed a hobby. I am all for hobbies, really I am, but this one is a little weird. Her new hobby is to rescue the kittens that live in our neighborhood and the mommy so we can get her fixed so that the kitten hobby can come to an end. One kitten was caught about 3 weeks ago, a beautiful little girl we call beyonce. My neighbor trapped the other kitten and mommy so we had to bail them out of "kitty jail" , otherwise known as animal control. Now there are 3 new cats within 3 weeks. For most people this wouldn't be a problem, but I already have 7, one of them being a rescue from the summer.

Now for the interesting part. Animal control agreed that they were girls. They went to the vet today and guess what. Momma is now known as Roger. Yeah Roger. Now we have no idea who the mother is of these gorgeous kittens, but we do know that Roger is a wonderful mother nonetheless. We would be the people to rescue a cat with gender identity issues. That's us, keeper of the kittys, crazy cat ladies, this is the house that cats built, so on and so forth.

These bizarre happenings went down before noon. I then go to work and have odd relationship issues happening that I can't go into. Just know that I am more confused about where things stand and where they are going. That old head and heart battle is raging on and all I can do is sit and wait. That drives me crazy! When I want to know something, I want to know NOW!

So this is the day that threw me a little off kilter and my schedule way off. I think a hot bath and mind numbing tv are in order. Oh wait, it's Tuesday and this is the night that I flip channels like a mad woman. Well maybe some answers will come to me in my sleep on at least one of my issues.


  1. Don't you yet realize your house is the place for all misplaced people, with or without fur?

  2. I have been told that many times. If someone has a need to come here and I can fix it or at least try.
