Monday, December 20, 2010
full moons, winter solstice & lunar eclipses
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I thought I was smarter than this.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
My life in chaos
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Dear Catharine
Decisions are always hard
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The story of shed
Shed was only in our lives for a little over a year but he touched us all. Amity and Oz went on a hunting expedition for the kittens living under the our neighbors' shed. They managed to catch one, with the help of Amity's shirt.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Love the way you lie...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Talk the talk or keep putting it off...
Monday, August 2, 2010
No more single digits
Baby #4 has now entered into the world of double digits. I can't believe a decade has gone by already, since I can remember watching "Survivor" the night she was born. Gervase was the one voted out that night, just in case anyone wants to know.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Know before you judge me
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The closing of the door
As the old saying goes, “When one door closes, another opens” Sometimes its a window but the door is still shut.
It hurts. No matter how bad things were, it still hurts. There was something there, no matter how small.
We were happy in our little world. You were my knight in shining armor. Helping me through tough times, really tough times. You were all I had. I cried to you. The only man I have ever wanted to see me cry. You held me and and told me it would all be ok. You bought me trail mix and made me smile. Your childlike innocence mixed with a man finding his way was like a breath of fresh air in a stagnant room.
I forced you into a position you weren’t ready for. You grudgingly came along. Like a child thrown into the deep end, you struggled, flailing about looking for help. I assumed you could swim and dove into save you to late.
I am so sorry for the pain I have caused, but am grateful for the joy I have experienced. I am thankful for your friendship, for the sacrifices you have made for my children and me. I am sorry for pushing you into being someone you aren’t and not giving you the space to find out who you really are.
You have taught me to be comfortable with myself. You never made fun of me or picked me apart, as I did you. You supported me in my soul searching ventures. You found a way to get me things that I wanted, only to be tossed aside when I finally got them. Never satisfied with what I had with you.
I let the outside world creep in and ruin it. By the time I realized it the damage had been done. I put up the walls and don’t know how to take them down. I would like to, I really would, but I don’t know how. Maybe in a few years it will come back. When we both grow up some more. When we find out who we are as individuals. How can we compliment each other when we don’t know ourselves as individuals?
To quote Rascal Flatts,”My wish for you is that life becomes all that you want it to…” You will always have a piece of my heart, and be my friend. I want you to be involved in my kids lives if that is what you want. You have been in our lives for five years and hope it is much longer.
Friday, June 4, 2010
You can’t always get what you want…
This is the first of what I am sure will be an abundance of blogs this weekend. I have issues. This is my way to vent and much venting needs to be done.
We all want to be heard and understood. I get that. If you want me to understand your point of view then maybe it should make sense. Maybe, just maybe your point of view should be realistic.
Just because your stressed, doesn’t mean that everyone needs to make adjustments to their lives in order to make yours easier. We all have stress, everyone of us. I am not getting another job or quitting school just so that your life may be a little less stressful. I love my job and love going to school. I am not going to school just to have something to do, I am trying to get a degree, be something, earn more in a field that I love. I am not failing in spite you or to make school go on longer. I failed because my life is a pressure cooker and its kind of hard to concentrate on formulas that you don’t understand in the first place, when you are trying to keep everyone happy around you.
When I get a new job, it will be on my terms. When I hand over every paycheck, extra school money and tromp down to social services it will all be counted. My contributions are just as important as yours. Fuck you! That’s what I want to say. If my contributions don’t count then I can gladly find something else to spend it on. That is so not a problem.
Men for centuries have been paying the brunt of household expenses. Blame women’s lib, the economy or hell, even the position of the moon if you would like, because I make less than you. Don’t tell me that I am doing nothing and you are doing it all. I work, take care of a home, children, animals, and am a full time student. I have had to cut back on classes because its too much for me to cram into an already full schedule. Shall I do a job I hate for more money and more hours, and maybe just give up on everything else but that job, so that you can be a little less stressed? No way!
Monday, May 31, 2010
How on target the horoscope can be…
This is my horoscope for the day: Relationships can be quite odd -- they often develop minds of their own once they've been established! For the past few weeks, you've been trying to keep one of your own on its leash, but it hasn't been cooperating well, and it isn't getting any tamer. Whether it's platonic, romantic or professional, it's still a challenge to keep it out of the fire. Hang tough and see if you can work this out.
Both have minds of their own and are spiraling out of control. One on a downward, one on an upward. Neither of the people involved in these relationships seem to see the spiraling. Maybe they do. Maybe they don’t want to admit being out of control. Whatever it is that they feel, I can tell you that our relationships have a mind of their own, no matter how much I try to analyze and be in control.
Hang tough huh? How long exactly do you hang? Until your hands loose circulation and you fall from mere exhaustion? The sweat is building up on my hands and I am losing my grip. I hope I don’t lose myself by the time this is over.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
So glad this week is over
Monday I found out I failed at least half of my classes and would most likely lose my federal funding. That in turn showed me who really knows me and cares about me. Someone, somehow decided that I wanted to take a semester off and just responded, “Ok”. Here I was, and this person, who says he loves and cares about me, says “Ok”. There lies the breaking point in our relationship.
So now I have been pushed off the proverbial fence that I have been sitting on. So then we decide, through texting, that maybe it would be best to break up. This news isn’t devastating to me, as I have seen it coming. Our relationship has been on life support for months. Really how much longer did we think it would continue? Why does he seem blind-sided by this? Can anyone really be that oblivious? Ok, he can.
So how do you break up with someone when you own a house together, a car and share a bank account? This I can’t tell you yet. I really need to find an answer because I believe he has forgotten the many conversations of the last week and is continuing like normal. May I just say, WTF?! Seriously?! Wow!