Thursday, May 13, 2010


So why do things go along nice and smoothly. I resolve myself to the fact that this is the way its gonna be, then BAM he throws me for a loop. Heart to hearts are had and I am back to wanting what I can't have. My resolve is washed away along with what's left of my sanity.

Everytime those 4's come up my life gets a little more complicated. If it's the angels, say what you mean or leave me alone. Why dangle something in my face when I can't have it? Where is my white picket fence and happily ever after? Do I really want that to begin with? Hell, I have no idea at this point.

I do know that I get bored easily and need someone to keep things exciting. I need someone who can stand up to me when I start to get out of control or roar too loud about stupid things. That person won't be perfect or worship me, I so don't want that. I want flaws and all because then I won't feel the pressure to live up to such high standards. I want...

So what do you do when you fall in love with someone you can't have and don't even know for certain that they love you back? I suppose I will keep playing the game until it all comes to a head or someone gives in and declares game over.

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