I don't think I really appreciate each stage that they go through until it's gone. I always look to the next age and focus on the challenges until BAM! ten years has passed and I want my babies back. Day to day life seems all encompassing until there are too many "I wish I would have"s and "I will get to it next year"s.
All of my kids are good people, have normal problems that come with finding out who they are and what they want from life. I am still trying to know myself and guide them through their problems.
It was so much easier when a freezy pop, hugs and kisses, and a wet paper towel could fix most problems. Now there are tears that can't be dried up by anything and problems that stretch the vast array of personalities that they all have. I am the loaner of money and keeper of traditions, the sounding board and cheerleader.
Motherhood has changed from physically exhausting to emotionally draining. I look to them now for advice. I want the biggest problem to be which footy pajamas to wear not do these pants make my butt look big.
Children ALWAYS need their mommies! YOU still wear footie pajamas, your almost 10 year old has been asking if pants make her butt look big since she was 2, and your bff and room mate is frequently an emotional cripple, and prone to bouts of infantile behavior...I'd say your good!