Saturday, May 29, 2010

So glad this week is over


Monday I found out I failed at least half of my classes and would most likely lose my federal funding.  That in turn showed me who really knows me and cares about me.  Someone, somehow decided that I wanted to take a semester off and just responded, “Ok”.  Here I was, and this person, who says he loves and cares about me, says “Ok”.  There lies the breaking point in our relationship.

So now I have been pushed off the proverbial fence that I have been sitting on.  So then we decide, through texting, that  maybe it would be best to break up.  This news isn’t devastating to me, as I have seen it coming. Our relationship has been on life support for months. Really how much longer did we think it would continue?  Why does he  seem blind-sided by this?  Can anyone really be that oblivious?  Ok, he can. 

So how do you break up with someone when you own a house together, a car and share a bank account?  This I can’t tell you yet.  I really need to find an answer because I believe he has forgotten the many conversations of the last week and is continuing like normal.  May I just say, WTF?!  Seriously?! Wow!

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