They say the truth shall set you free. I say the truth can eat away at you, make you bitter and lonely. Ok so that may be a little dramatic. Truth is like everything else in life, knowing too much can damage you, not knowing enough can damage you. The truth seems to be a catch 22.
Truth should be taken in doses. For example, knowing what you need and leaving it at that. You don’t need to know details about your spouses affair, just that it happened and where to go from there. You may be curious, but as another old saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. Knowing more than you should can keep you from moving forward. Not knowing your spouse is having an affair can harm you in other ways, even kill you if they aren’t careful. If your spouse is having unprotected sex with another and happens to get an STD, or worse, you really need to know. How can you protect yourself and those you care about without knowledge?
Another example of the consequences of truth would be in knowing things that your parents, children and spouses have done in the past that could affect how you view them now. Sometimes our mistakes haunt us. Unless it’s a necessity or a life lesson, not every little truth needs to be out in the open.
I understand totally that I can be very truthful about myself, especially on here. Sometimes too truthful. There are many things on here that are not out in the open because of the pain that they would cause. If you know me personally, then I don’t need to share the details.
The truth isn’t something that should be taken lightly. To be totally truthful with others, you must start with yourself. See your flaws and accept them or change them. We can hurt ourselves as much, and as easily, with the truth as we can others. Use with caution!
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