I admit I have a slight problem with boundaries. I really like to push them. I tend to have most of my boundary problems with personal boundaries. This year I shall work on them.
To my children, the adult ones, please pay close attention. As your mother I have an interest in your life as you have one in mine. You are both adults. I am an adult as well. You are not my parents and can not tell me what to do unless you want the same in return. I am still making sacrifices to help you both. Please don’t put me in the middle of your arguments, pay me when bills are due and if you want my advice just ask. I am always willing to give advice, trust me.
To the man who shares my home. We are bound by property and finances. You are no longer welcome to come just sit in my bed when you feel like it. These are privileges my children, pets and limited friends have. Just because my door is open is not an invitation to my bed. I am trying very hard to just be friends. I realize its not easy to let your feelings go, but you must. Until we can reach some kind of financial agreement and live separately you must maintain some sort of personal boundaries.
I am pretty much an open book. If you ask me, I will tell you as truthfully as possible. I am far from perfect and by no stretch of the imagination do ever consider myself to be better than anyone. I try to understand, give people second chances and expect only respect in return.
What the....? Who the....? Wait. Who are you and WHAT have you done with my bff? Please return her, mkay? Thanks.